By Anne Serzz on Tuesday, March 22, 2022
Category: Planning

Roofing Backlogs: What to Do?


Post-pandemic supply chain issues are still affecting many sectors and the roofing industry is no different. With a significant shortage of raw material components and other contributing factors, roofing contractors are experiencing high backlogs and will be playing catch up for a long time.


If you plan to replace your roof in 2022, we recommend getting your project scheduled now.

With warmer temperatures, storms and a busy roofing season ahead of us, what can you do to keep your buildings leak-free until your contractor can get on your roof? The answer lies in maintaining your existing roof and preventing roof leaks with repairs.


Where to start?

Know your roof:

Take a fresh look at your roof's condition report and the known issues. Get in touch with your roofing contractor to discuss any temporary repairs or maintenance you can implement to keep your roof watertight until the materials for your new installation are available. Schedule those repairs as soon as possible.

Consider weather conditions:

Was your area affected by inclement weather recently? You may want to schedule a new roof evaluation. Snow, hail, high winds and rain may pose a significant challenge for older or damaged roofs. Clogged drains, additional debris, damaged seams and other factors may now be in place. Contact CentiMark to schedule a roof evaluation to be aware of your roof's condition.



We cannot stress enough the difference it may make in prolonging your roof's lifespan. There are different maintenance options for your roof. From cleaning your drain systems to preventing vegetation growth, routine maintenance may drastically help in keeping leaks at bay while you wait for your roofing project to begin.

Staying proactive in the year of roofing backlogs is extremely important.

Contact us today to discuss various options from maintenance to repairs and ensure your existing roof continues to perform until your reroofing project gets started. In case of emergencies, please call 877-556-8056 and we will be there to help.