Separating Facts From Fiction: Roof Coatings

coating on a warehouse roof


Looking for a cost-effective way to extend the life of your roof? You've probably heard about roof coatings. These liquified polymers are becoming increasingly popular with various commercial facilities because they can restore and waterproof your existing roof system, delaying costly reroofing for many years. The seamless application provides a unique advantage, allowing you to protect non-uniform roof surfaces and reinforce weak points quickly, for a fraction of the cost of a roof replacement. Additionally, their high UV stability, reflective nature for improved energy efficiency and lower environmental impact make them a great option for a roofing solution as they prevent the need for a roof tear-off and reduce waste. There are so many benefits but are there any downfalls? Let's delve into some common concerns and misconceptions surrounding commercial roof coatings that we encounter in the field.


Separating Facts from Fiction Series: Addressing Metal Roof Concerns

metal roof


Metal roofs, while very popular with commercial facilities, are not immune to myths and misconceptions like any other roofing or siding material. Let's look into some of the common concerns we hear in the field and address them!


The Role of Insulation in Your Roof Assembly

centimark roof in phoenix -birdeye view


Whether you are in hospitality, manufacturing, cold storage or any other industry, excessive moisture in your building can result in a number of issues ranging from mold to water damage and poor air quality. Did you know the state of your roof's insulation may play a significant role in all of this?


Weathering the Elements: Region-Specific Commercial Roofing Challenges in North America

metropolitan area bird eye view


North America has a wide range of climates and weather patterns, including cold and stormy winters in the North and scorching heat in the South. It also has a wide variety of landscapes, from rainforests to deserts. This diversity poses unique challenges for commercial facilities when it comes to roofing. Let's explore the region-specific commercial roofing challenges in North America and discuss how you can address these issues to ensure the longevity and performance of your roof.


Separating Facts from Fiction Series: TPO Roofing Concerns Addressed

centimark tpo roof


In recent times, Thermoplastic Olefin (TPO) roofing has gained enormous popularity due to its energy efficiency, long-lasting performance and resistance to fungi and UV rays. However, like any widely used material, TPO roofing is not immune to misconceptions and myths, mainly because the technology is relatively new compared to some other roof systems. This article will address common TPO roofing myths and concerns and clarify misunderstandings.



Roofing Details Make a Difference: An Up Close Look at Your Roof's Components

roof details article


Roofing season is upon us. With the turbulent weather we all experienced this winter, it's essential to truly understand how the past storms may have affected every component of your roof system. Paying close attention to roof components like drains, scuppers, flashings, pipes, pitch pans and more is vital for proper maintenance and ensuring that your roof will withstand the elements. Let's look closer at those items to understand their function and how to address their condition during your seasonal maintenance.


How to Choose the Right Roof System for Your Commercial Facility

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Selecting the optimal roof for your commercial facility is an important decision that can greatly influence the operating expenses of your building. Given the multitude of options, each tailored to specific requirements, it is imperative to thoroughly assess your facility's precise needs before reaching a decision. This guide offers valuable insights into diverse commercial roofing types, enabling you to make well-informed choices based on the unique challenges of your industry, location and specific requirements.


Commercial Roofing: Effective Strategies to Prevent Premature Replacement



As the price of labor and materials continue to rise, it is important to focus on long-term strategies regarding roof systems in order to maximize your budget. For example, proper maintenance and regular inspections can go a long way in preventing costly repairs or even premature roof replacement. Here are some of the top strategies to protect your facility's roof:


Your Guide to Commercial Roofing Solutions: FAQ

installing metal roof closeup


When it comes to commercial roofing, making the right choices is crucial to the longevity and performance of your facility’s roof. We understand you might have questions about selecting the best roofing strategy for your commercial property. Here, we address some of the most common inquiries we receive from our customers to help you navigate this important decision.


Revolutionizing Commercial Roofing: A Glimpse into Innovative Technologies

thermal scan


The world of commercial roofing is rapidly evolving and technology is at the forefront of this transformation. In an industry known for its traditional methods and high-risk endeavors, innovations such as drone inspections, infrared moisture scans, green roofing, CentiVision and online portals are paving the way for more efficient, cost-effective and sustainable roofing solutions with a spotlight on safety and customer education. In this article, we'll explore how these technological advancements are shaping the future of commercial roofing and how they're subtly preparing the industry for a digital transformation.


Five Keys to Finding a Reputable Commercial Roofing Contractor




Your facility's roof is the first line of defense against the harsh elements of nature. Its role in protecting your business assets and your associates is of vital importance. Therefore, when partnering with a commercial roofing contractor, here are five key considerations that should be taken into account to ensure an informed decision is made and your investment dollars are prudently spent:



CentiMark's CentiVision: A Visual Approach to Roofing

TPO roof being installed


The commercial roofing industry is no exception in an ever-evolving world of technology and innovation. Here at CentiMark, we took a giant leap forward in July 2021 with the launch of CentiVision, a groundbreaking roofing configurator. This advanced tool marks a significant shift in how our customers engage with their roofing projects. It empowers them to visually explore various roof configurations, gaining a comprehensive grasp of both the current state and proposed solution or replacements. With over two years of successful implementation, CentiVision remains a trusted solution for businesses across North America, eliminating uncertainty in their roofing projects.



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Plan for Success: Your 2024 Roof Budget

building illustrations

Out of sight out of mind, your facility’s roof may often take a back seat to other operational priorities. Yet, allocating resources for it in your annual budget planning can lead to savings in the long run. Overlooked roof damage caused by harsh weather or aging can lead to unexpected expenses and problems such as roof leaks. Preventing such issues starts with learning everything about your roof and planning ahead.



Summer Roof Checkup: 10 Frequently Overlooked Items That Deserve Your Attention

woman professional walking through a warehouse

Given that your facility's roof serves as the primary protection for your business operations, it may require repairs or maintenance to ensure it's performing at its best and is 100% watertight. Numerous defects with commercial roofs often remain undetected for an extended period of time, escalating into significant damage. Let's explore these frequently overlooked items that may be lurking just above you.


Help Your Roof Beat the Heat: Optimizing Temperature Resistance

construction worker looking up shielding his eyes


This summer unleashed scorching temperatures across North America. On July 3rd, we witnessed the record-breaking hottest day ever documented on Earth. As the sweltering heat takes its toll, your commercial facility's cooling expenses may spiral out of control. So, how can you better adapt to these blistering conditions? The solution might be your facility's roof.


Roof Budget Blues: Navigate Uncertainty With Confidence

professionals looking at computer

Navigating roofing projects during uncertain economic times requires careful planning and strategic decision-making. As prices rise and unexpected factors like storm damage may impact your maintenance budget, it is essential to look into various solutions to stretch that budget a bit further.


Roof Warranties Explained

Warranties Explained

Roof warranties can be confusing. There are different warranty structures, terms of the warranty and warranty exclusions. Furthermore, different parties are often responsible for different aspects of the warranty at various times throughout the roof's life. Confused yet? Let us help you clear some of the confusion. Why Warranties Are Written Before...

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Are your facility's electric bills through the roof?

warehouse manager with clipboard


It's time to look into your roof's energy efficiency.

The cold months are behind us and the summer heat will be here before we know it. If you are considering ways to lower your facility's electric bills and take some pressure off your air conditioning system this summer, there are a few solutions to explore.


Qualifying Your Roofing Project: What is the Optimal Solution for Your Facility

female engineer is looking at her roof

Your commercial roof is your first line of defense against the elements, protecting everything below - your associates, equipment, inventory, property and much more. In addition, it plays a massive role in your building's energy efficiency and resale value. With so much on the line, ensuring you make correct, educated decisions regarding your roof condition is crucial. 



Repair or Reroof? What came first the Chicken or the Egg?

two engineers discussion a project on laptop


This is the age old question in the roofing industry similar to the Chicken and the Egg question. Building owners constantly wrestle with the question of whether to repair or reroof? Unfortunately, this is often a question that only partially has to do with the condition of the roof. Most importantly it has more to do with the building owners tolerance for risk. Let’s look at some familiar adages or euphemisms and how they help answer the age old question of reroof or repair.